
Infrastructure Main Image

✅ Opened the Belco Bikeway – connecting Florey to Bruce through the Town Centre

✅ Secured stimulus funding for an upgraded toilet block at John Knight Memorial Park

✅ Completed the Belconnen Arts Centre

✅ Completed the boardwalk near Belconnen Arts Centre

✅ A significant playground upgrade in Aranda

✅ Installed new Umbagong Bridges

✅ Opened the new Belco skatepark half-pipe

I’m working on:

✅ Widening the paths around Lake Ginninderra (major works have begun, you can keep up to date here)

✅ Replacing and widening the rock retaining wall at Emu Bank, to allow for further improvements to its walkability and amenity in line with the vision in the Master Plan

✅ Installing a new toilet at Evatt, in addition to the shop upgrades