Supporting Canberra’s multicultural community

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As Minister for Multicultural Affairs between 2020 and 2023, I:

✅ Enacted the Multiculturalism Act to enshrine the existing Multicultural Advisory Council, establish a Multicultural Charter for the ACT, and set out accountability measures for the government.

✅ Secured additional funding of $1.018 million for the 25th anniversary of the National Multicultural Festival in 2023.

✅ Secured an additional $180,000 to support ACT Services Access Card holders with rental and living expenses, bringing the total amount of discretionary funding to $195,000 for 2022-23.

✅ Reallocated $400,000 to support the participation of multicultural organisations in local events presented by Events ACT in 2022.

✅ Reallocated over $177,000 to support eligible multicultural community organisations with funding to assist them participate in local events or present their own.

✅ With the assistance of the Australian Red Cross and Humanitarian Settlement Program, provided direct financial support of $5000 per family to support long-term accommodation costs in the ACT for Afghans evacuated during the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, and Ukrainians fleeing the conflict in Ukraine.

✅ Worked closely with ACT multicultural communities to deliver a range of initiatives to support the COVID-19 health response in ACT.

✅ Delivered the 25th anniversary of the National Multicultural Festival in 17-19 February 2023.

✅ Progressed work on the Government’s response to the Review on Investment in ACT Community Language Schools Report, with Minister Berry.  

✅ Achieved the “Advanced” level of accreditation of the Welcoming Cities Standard.